by de_divya | Jun 20, 2018 | Communications and Outreach, Cultural Practices and Conservation, Events, News, Spirituality And Conservation
The end of May saw Communities, Conservation & Livelihoods – an international conference co-hosted by the Communities Conservation Research Network (CCRN) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in Halifax, Canada – which provided...
by de_divya | May 10, 2018 | Biodiversity, Communications and Outreach, Cultural Practices and Conservation, Events, News
The burning embers of the central fire in the traditional Mapuche hut light the experienced yet inquisitive faces of six Mapuche women now embarking on the One Square Meter journey. The hut is filled with smoke and laughter as Marguerita and Amelia wrestle with the...
by de_divya | Apr 13, 2018 | Biodiversity, Communications and Outreach, Cultural Practices and Conservation, Events, News
The repetitive in and out movement of felting needles is mesmerizing and appeasing. Very occasionally there is quiet in the workshop, each one of us fully immersed in this new felting technique we are learning. Mostly though there is a lot of talking, mostly in...
by de_divya | Mar 24, 2018 | Events, Spirituality And Conservation
8:30pm this evening, wherever you are in the world, will be #EarthHour – a movement which sees millions of people across the globe uniting symbolically to protect our planet. This year’s Earth Hour theme is Connect2Earth, and focuses on our inseparable...
by de_divya | Dec 14, 2017 | Events, News, Spirituality And Conservation
“Children have such power because they can ignite the flame of compassion in even the hardest of hearts. Environmental and climate concerns that we adults seem to get easily bored with are a real worry for our children. It’s simply not possible to ignore their voices...