Peace Pals – IUCN, DiversEarth and Peace Pals International unite to celebrate peace education and Nature for All
Release date: 21 November 2017
Media Contact: Divya Venkatesh, DiversEarth,, Twitter: @Divers_Earth
Gland, Switzerland, November 21, 2017
‘May Peace Prevail on Earth’ – Not just a slogan, but a real aspiration for the thousands of children from 62 countries who entered this year’s Peace Pals[1] art competition.
For its twentieth anniversary, Peace Pals International – an initiative of the World Peace Prayer Society[2] – has joined forces with IUCN[3] and DiversEarth[4] to inspire peace education around the globe in relation to environmental protection, with the theme of Nature for All – Loving the Earth.
“Nature for All is a global movement to inspire people from all sectors of society to connect with nature and take action to support its conservation. At its core is a very simple idea: the more people experience, connect with, and share their love of nature, the more support there will be for its conservation.” said Sean Southey, Chair of the Commission on Communications and Education (IUCN CEC).
Liza Zogib, Director of DiversEarth added: “Children have such power because they can ignite the flame of compassion in even the hardest of hearts. Environmental and climate concerns that we adults seem to get easily bored with are a real worry for our children. It’s simply not possible to ignore their voices any longer.”
On November 21, 2017, the Awards Ceremony for this year’s winners will be held in La Cité du Temps, Geneva, Switzerland. With keynotes from IUCN President, Zhang Xinsheng, and Director General, Inger Andersen, and a highly anticipated performance by Kenji Williams of Bella Gaia[5], the evening promises to be a noteworthy celebration. Central to the event will be the announcement of the winners and runners up in each age category.
“We are honoured to work together with our partners, IUCN and DiversEarth, to hold this special event in Geneva, Switzerland, the heartland of global nature conservation efforts” said Fumi Johns Stewart, Executive Director of the World Peace Prayer Society.
“Honouring the children who have worked so hard in creating their artistic visions for a healthy and peaceful planet in such an important way is a real acknowledgement that we are listening to our young global citizens” added Jules Lamore, Director of Peace Pals.
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[1] Peace Pals International invites children around the world to actively reflect on peace and submit artwork to the annual International Art Exhibition and Awards Program.
[2] World Peace Prayer Society is a non profit organization associated with the UN Department of Public Information working globally to spread the universal message, May Peace Prevail On Earth.
[3] IUCN, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, with headquarters in Gland, Switzerland
[4] DiversEarth is an international organisation based in Switzerland focussing on the special interface between Nature, Culture and Spirit
[5] “Bella Gaia” is a globally recognized immersive experience created by award winning director, composer, and violinist Kenji Williams.